Teamcity Video Gallery
Agenda: Teamcity Essential Training
Introduction to Continuous Integration
- Practices
- Benefits
- Continuous deployment and Continuous Delivery
- The build pipeline
Test Drive Teamcity
- Introduction to TeamCity
- Licensing
- Features
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- First-class support for various technologies
- Lots of plugins
- Comprehensive VCS support
- A nice dashboard UI and build history
- Ease of setup and comprehensive documentation
- Build pipeline/chains
- Agents and build grids
- IDE integrations
- TeamCity and its competitors
- Jenkins
- ThoughtWorks' Go
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- Installing on Windows
- Installing the server and the default agent
- Installing additional agents
- Installation on Mac OS X
- Running the TeamCity server and the default agent
- Setting up the TeamCity server as a daemon
- Installing additional agents
- Installation on Linux
- Running the server and the default agent
- Running the TeamCity server as a daemon
- Installing additional agents
- Summary
Getting Your CI Up and Running
- Introducing version control systems
- Centralized versus distributed VCSs
- VCSs and CI
- VCS used in this book
- Setting up CI
- The sample project
- Creating a project in TeamCity
- Subprojects
- Adding build configurations
- VCS roots and VCS settings
- Introducing the build steps
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- Running our first build
- Build failure conditions
- Triggering the build on VCS changes
- Build chains
- Deploying to Heroku
- Adding functional tests
- Parameters and build parameters
- Setting up the build chain
- Snapshot dependencies
- The Finish build trigger
- The Build chain view
- Fine-tuning our setup
- Adding coverage and unit test reports
- Publishing reports as artifacts
- XML report processing
- Report tabs
- Build and project statistics
- Shared resources
- Agent Requirements
- Summary
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Agenda: TeamCity Intermediate Training
TeamCity for Java Projects
- Using Ant with TeamCity
- Installing Ant
- Building with Ant build files
- Building with Ant in a build configuration
- Adding some unit tests
- Setting up code coverage
- Build scripts versus TeamCity features
- System properties and Ant
- Using Maven with TeamCity
- Installing Maven
- Creating a Maven project
- Introducing the Project Object Model (POM)
- Building the project
- Using Maven in a build configuration
- Setting version number
- Setting up code coverage for our build
- Maven on TeamCity, beyond the build runner
- Creating a Maven build configuration
- Global Maven settings file
- Setting up Maven-based triggers
- Using Gradle with TeamCity
- Installing Gradle
- Building with Gradle on TeamCity
- Introducing database migration tools
- Summary
TeamCity for .NET Projects
- Getting started with NAnt on TeamCity
- Installing NAnt
- Building NAnt with NAnt
- Building on TeamCity
- Adding NUnit report processing
- Configuring agent requirements
- Building with MSBuild
- Installing MSBuild
- Starting an MSBuild project
- Building with MSBuild on TeamCity
- Adding an NUnit build runner
- Running NUnit tests using NUnit task
- Running NUnit tests using the task provided by TeamCity
- Configuring code coverage with MSBuild
- NuGet and TeamCity
- Installing the NuGet command-line client
- Installing NuGet.exe on TeamCity agents
- TeamCity as a NuGet server
- NuGet-based build runners
- NuGet dependency trigger
- Introducing PowerShell
- PowerShell-based build tools
- PowerShell build runner in TeamCity
- Database migrations with .NET
- Summary
TeamCity for Ruby Projects
- Getting started with Rails
- Managing Ruby versions
- Introducing Bundler
- Installing Rails using Bundler
- Introducing Rake
- Setting up the build on TeamCity
- Setting up Ruby interpreter
- Running Capybara- and Selenium-based feature tests
- Summary
TeamCity for Mobile and Other Technologies
- CI for Android projects
- Generating the APK
- Running Calabash tests
- Building iOS projects on TeamCity
- Installing TeamCity plugins
- Installing the Python runner plugin
- Building with the Python build runner
- Introduction to TeamCity.Node plugin
- Summary
Agenda: TeamCity Advance Training
Taking It a Level Up
- Build configuration templates
- Creating templates from scratch
- Creating build configurations from the template
- Creating templates from existing build configurations
- Going meta with Meta-Runners
- Using Meta-Runners
- Build result actions
- Commenting on build results
- Tagging build results
- Pinning build results
- Promoting builds
- Marking the build as successful or failed
- Removing builds
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- Build history cleanup
- Cleanup rules
- Archiving projects
- Configuring build priorities
- Interacting with TeamCity from build scripts
- Service messages
- Creating teamcity-info.xml
- Summary
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Beyond CI - Continuous Delivery
- What is Continuous Delivery
- Why Continuous Delivery
- The deployment pipeline
- Implementing the deployment pipeline in TeamCity
- Publishing and consuming artifacts
- Build chain for CI
- Deploying to environments
- Environments as gates
- Identifying the build that is deployed in an environment
- Deploying any version to an environment
- Limiting deployment permissions to certain users
- Passing sensitive information during deployment
- Feature branching and feature toggling
- Summary
TeamCity Administration Part 1
- Using TeamCity with an external database
- Configuring PostgreSQL as an external database
- Migrating from one database to another
- Backup and restore
- Taking backups from the server UI
- Backing up and restoring data using the maintainDB tool
- A manual backup
- Handling upgrades
- Updating a server installed via an archive
- Updating TeamCity using the Windows installer
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- Updating the agents
- Monitoring resource usage, performance, and logs
- Disk space usage
- TeamCity server diagnostics
- Tweaking the TeamCity JVM
- Summary
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TeamCity Administration Part 2
- TeamCity Configuration and Maintenance
- Managing Projects and Build Configurations
- Managing Licenses
- Integrating TeamCity with Other Tools
- Managing User Accounts, Groups and Permissions
- Customizing Notifications
- Assigning Build Configurations to Specific Build Agents
- Patterns For Accessing Build Artifacts
- Mono Support
- Maven Server-Side Settings
- Tracking User Actions
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