08 - Administer Azure Virtual Machines
Demonstration – Create Virtual Machines in the portal
In this demonstration, we will create and access an Azure virtual machine in the portal.
Quickstart - Create a Windows VM in the Azure portal
Quickstart - Create a Linux VM in the Azure portal
Connect to a virtual machine with Bastion
Create the virtual machine
Note: These steps only cover a few virtual machine parameters. Feel free to explore and cover other areas. You can create either Windows or Linux virtual machine, depending on your audience.
Use the Azure portal.
Search for Virtual machines.
Create a basic virtual machine. Review the availability options, images, and inbound rules.
Discuss the importance of creating a secure administrator account.
Create the virtual machine and wait for the resource to deploy.
Connect to the virtual machine
There are several ways to Connect to the virtual machine.
For a Windows server you can use RDP, as shown in the QuickStart.
For a Linux server you can SSH, as shown in the QuickStart.
For either server you can connect with the Bastion service (QuickStart). Review why Bastion is preferred to RDP or SSH.
Configure Virtual Machine Availability
In this demonstration, we will explore virtual machine scaling options.
Create virtual machines in a scale set using Azure portal
Use the Azure Portal.
Search for and select Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
Create a Virtual Machine Scale Sets. Review the purpose of virtual machine scale sets. Review the difference between the Uniform and Flexible orchestration modes. Explain your selection can affect your scaling options.
Move to Scaling tab.
Review how Manual scale and Scale-in policy is used.
Change to a Custom scaling policy.
Review how CPU threshold (%) is used to scale out and scale in the virtual machine instances.